The 22nd i-Learner prize presentation ceremony was held at HKU’s Rayson Huang Theatre on July 19. Around 1,000 students, parents and teachers attended the ceremony. We presented Platinum Awards, Gold Awards, and Silver Awards to users across 7 platforms: Reading i-Learner, Chinese i-Learner, Vocabulary i-Learner, E-Reader, Mathematics i-Learner, Cross-curricular i-Learner, and DSE i-Learner. We also presented the Top School Award and Excellent Teacher Award. In addition, this year we presented a brand-new award - the Best Writer Award. (Click to see photos of the ceremony!) | ||
This year happens to be i-Learner’s 10th anniversary. In order to celebrate this special event, we invited a big star to our ceremony - Bugbug! When the lovely Bugbug walked into the venue, the delighted audience burst into applause! Bugbug invited everyone to pose with ten fingers outstretched to symbolise i-Learner’s 10th birthday. This created an extremely special photo opportunity. The i-Learner 10th Anniversary Video is now being processed. Stay tuned! | ||
The guests of honour at the ceremony were i-Learner’s summer tutors from Oxford University and Cambridge University. Our guests played a fun and interactive game with the audience. We also hosted a talent show, with performances by our gifted students. They prepared a variety of amazing skits, including songs, dances, storytelling, and poetry readings. After the ceremony, Bugbug surprised everyone by waiting at the lobby outside the lecture hall. Everyone took photos. It was a memorable experience! On the other side of the lobby, hundreds of donated books were on display. These books were for the “Book Donation and Charity Sale Programme” jointly organised by Hong Kong Reads and the Hong Kong Institute For Integrated Rural Development. These books had been donated by students and parents. The programme gained parents’ and students’ attention and support. Students and parents enthusiastically selected books at the booth, and the programme raised more than $3,000. The money will help underprivileged students in rural China through the “Little Blackboard - Student Bursary” programme run by the Hong Kong Institute For Integrated Rural Development. We would like to take this moment to once again express i-Learner’s appreciation to our generous parents and students! Thank you for accompanying i-Learner over the previous ten years! In the next ten years to come, we are excited to serve more students and to continue to contribute to fun learning! We look forward to seeing you at future i-Learner events. |
See you at the 23rd prize presentation ceremony! | ||
i-Learner of Nebula Group Ltd. | ||
7月19日,第二十二屆i-Learner「智好學計劃」頒獎典禮於香港大學黃麗松講堂隆重舉行。近千名同學、家長及老師親臨觀禮。我們頒發了Reading i-Learner、智愛中文平台、Vocabulary i-Learner、E-Reader、天才數學博士平台、Cross Curricular i-Learner、DSE i-Learner七個平台的白金獎、金獎及銀獎,此外,還有新增設的「智愛小作家」獎,以及「i-Learner全港網上最佳學校」、「最佳老師」兩項大獎。(點擊 欣賞頒獎典禮的精彩盛況!) | ||
今年正逢i-Learner成立十週年,典禮現場迎來了一位大明星——i-Learner的吉祥物Bugbug!可愛頑皮的Bugbug跳著舞步進入會場,將現場氣氛推至高潮。Bugbug同大家一起舉起十指,開心拍攝了i-Learner十週年大合照,典禮結束後,Bugbug更在等候廳內與大家一一合影。 本次典禮,我們特別邀請來自英國牛津大學和劍橋大學的i-Learner暑期導師作為頒獎嘉賓,並與現場觀眾展開了有趣的英文互動遊戲。獲獎同學則為大家帶來了精彩的詩歌朗誦及歌舞表演。 |
會場外整齊擺放著數百本品類豐富的優秀書籍。這些正是i-Learner聯合Hong Kong Reads及慈善組織香港沃土發展社舉辦的「燃亮山區讀書夢」好書捐獻及義賣行動,所有書籍均由家長、同學捐獻。 義賣行動獲得了大家的熱烈支持。典禮結束後,同學們流連於書攤前,家長們紛紛為孩子挑選讀物。本次活動,我們共籌得超過三千元善款,全額捐贈予沃土發展社「小黑板助學計劃」,幫助山區貧困學童重返校園。 i-Learner在此誠摯感謝各位家長和同學的愛心奉獻! 這個十年,感謝你和i-Learner一起走過;下一個十年,我們期待陪伴更多同學快樂學習,健康成長!期待你繼續參與i-Learner的活動,成為我們的助力。 |
我們下屆頒獎典禮再見! | ||
智好學計劃 智國集團有限公司 | ||