On 5th March, 2017, the 25th i-Learner Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at Rayson Huang Theatre at the University of Hong Kong. There were approximately 1,000 participants including prize winners and parents, while over 30 school principals and teachers attended the ceremony. We were delighted to have Prof. Kwok Bit Chee from the Chinese University of Hong Kong as our honorable guest to deliver a speech and to present prizes. (Click https://goo.gl/Wpd7EPto see photos from the ceremony!)
Users across our 6 most popular e-learning platforms—Reading i-Learner, Chinese i-Learner, Mathematics i-Learner, Cross Curricular i-Learner and DSE i-Learner— were presented Platinum Awards, Gold Awards, and Silver Awards. Top School Awards and Excellent Teacher Awards were also presented.
At the ceremony, Prof. Kwok Bit-Chee shared his own experiences of mastering Chinese and gave invaluable advice to students who wanted to excel in Chinese language. To invigorate interest in learning, Prof. Kwok incorporated his hobbies into further studies and teaching at different institutions. His wide range of hobbies include astronomy, archeology and studies in Oracle bone script. Last but not least, his little piece of advice to students was “be devoted and faithful to your interests, then you will find your way by fulfilling your potential.”
The most exciting part of the ceremony must be “You’re a talent” Competition 2017 Final. The 6 finalists for both primary and secondary sessions passed the preliminary round by winning through the public and professional voting at i-Learner’s newly developed Activity Platform. Apart from enjoying the live performances on stage, all attendees were eligible to vote for their favorite performers through polling on i-Learner’s new app called Interactive Platform. Results of the Final are as follows:
Prize | School | Name | Performance | |
Primary | 1st | S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School | CHAN KA HEI | Singing |
2nd | Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School | SHUM LOK YI | Harmonica playing | |
3rd | Y.O.T. Tin Ka Ping Primary School | KONG MAN LOK | Story Telling | |
Secondary | 1st | Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College | NG LAI YING REBECCA | Chinese Dance |
2nd | Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School | SIU YIK MAN | Voice Casting | |
3rd | S.K.H. Lam Kau Mow Secondary School | Wong Hong Chai | Guitar playing |
The launch ceremony of Hong Kong Reads was also held on that day. We were pleased to have school principals and teachers with us to officiate the start off of many exciting activities of Hong Kong Reads in 2017-18.
Another highlight of the day was definitely the Lucky Draw. Thanks to our business sponsors, BIODERMA and SPI, the prizes were undoubtedly very attractive. What was more, we were honored to have Mr. Wong Chi Keung and Mr. Joseph Yee Kin Wah, Principals of Sing Yin Secondary School and Kwun Tong Maryknoll College respectively, to draw the prizes for us.
i-Learner is committed to making e-learning an ever more interactive, effective and efficient channel of learning in response to the unfailing support of principals, teachers, parents and students.
See you at the 26th prize presentation ceremony in July 2017!
踏入三月,日暖風和的初春正式開始。在2017年3月5日, i-Learner舉辦了第二十五屆的頒獎禮(2016-17學年上學期)。光陰似箭,隨著電子學習科技日漸成熟,二十五屆的i-Learner「智好學計劃」頒獎典禮見證了i-Learner公司的成長和成熟,也是語言學習與電子學習相結合的里程碑。,
在此次頒獎典禮,我們向得獎者頒發了Reading i-Learner、智愛中文平台、天才數學博士平台、Cross Curricular i-Learner及DSE i-Learner六個最受歡迎的電子學習平台的白金獎、金獎及銀獎。此外,我們還頒發「i-Learner全港網上最佳學校」、「最佳老師」兩項大獎。
典禮期間,我們首次採用即時投票系統評選2017 i-Learner全港才藝大賽決賽的冠亞季軍。小學組及中學組各3位獲得決賽資格的同學都透過在i-Learner最新開發的活動平台中進行初賽,由大眾評審和專業評判共同評分選出。他們最終脫穎而出晉身決賽,並於當日登台表演。現場觀眾除了可以親身目睹各參賽者的風采外,更可以善用i-Learner互動平台,投下神聖的一票。以下為決賽得獎名單:
獎項 | 學校 | 姓名 | 表演項目 | |
小學組 | 冠軍 | 聖公會主愛小學 | 陳嘉嬉 | 唱歌:生命有價 |
亞軍 | 保良局陳守仁小學 | 沈洛頤 | 口琴演繹:《Serenade》 by Joseph Haydn (約瑟夫•海頓) |
季軍 | 仁愛堂田家炳小學 | 江彣樂 | 講故事:三隻小豬 | |
中學組 | 冠軍 | 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會 鄭榮之中學 |
伍麗瑩 | 中國古典舞:《霓裳夢》 |
亞軍 | 馬鞍山崇真中學 | 蕭奕敏 | 聲演:《女性戰爭與回憶》 | |
季軍 | 聖公會林裘謀中學 | 王鏮齊 | 結他即興表演 |
本次頒獎典禮也包括了Hong Kong Reads的「齊閱讀」啟動儀式。我們邀請了多位在場的老師一起參加,一同舉起開卷手勢,代表齊閱讀的諾言,一同迎接未來一年Hong Kong Reads精彩豐富的閱讀推廣活動。
想了解頒獎典禮當天的精彩盛況? 立即點擊https://goo.gl/Wpd7EP進入!