On 15th July, 2017, the 26th i-Learner Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at Rayson Huang Theatre at the University of Hong Kong. There were approximately 1,000 attendees including prize winners and parents. It was an event designed to acknowledge and reward the persistence of these young students, as well as a celebration for parents and teachers to share in the joy of their children.
Users across our six most popular e-learning platforms—Reading i-Learner, Chinese i-Learner, Classical Chinese i-Learner, Mathematics i-Learner, Cross Curricular i-Learner and DSE i-Learner— were presented Platinum Awards, Gold Awards, and Silver Awards. Top School Awards and Excellent Teacher Awards were also presented.
At the ceremony, we were honoured to have Miss Riona Kelly, Mr. Charles Britton, Miss Juliet Armstrong, Mr. Patryk Sikora, Miss Hatty Darling and Mr. Andrej Laloiv with us. They are i-Learner Education Centre's summer English tutors from Cambridge University and Oxford University. They shared their learning experiences and love for reading with the audience.
A "Hong Kong Reads" campaign also featured in the ceremony. Our guests from the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge shared their book reviews with us. Students enjoyed this and learned about new ways of reviewing books. One of these was the use of poems to review books, such as in "The Secret History" by Donna Tart; another way was to make comparisons, such as comparing Good Giants and Bad Giants in the book “BFG” by Roald Dahl. We hope this inspired the students to find creative ways to do book reviews in the future.
We were also joined by the Institute For Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong (IRD), which is a registered charitable organisation with a history of cooperation with i-Learner for over 10 years. We were delighted to have Miss So, Project Officer from the IRD to share with us the missions, values and aims of the IRD.
Another highlight of the day was definitely the Lucky Draw. Thanks to our business sponsors, UA Cinemas and The Commercial Press, the prizes were indisputably impressive.
Click https://goo.gl/GSq443 to see photos from the ceremony!
i-Learner is committed to making e-learning an ever more interactive, effective and efficient channel of learning in response to the unfailing support of principals, teachers, parents and students.
See you at the 27th prize presentation ceremony in March 2018!
第二十六屆i-Learner 2016-17學年下學期頒獎典禮已於2017年7月15日圓滿落幕。不知不覺,i-Learner已走過十三個年頭, 見證著電子學習由課外閱讀的延伸逐漸走入課堂這一轉變。與學校和老師的密切溝通也令i-Learner不斷進步, 開發更多適合不同學校、老師和學生的平台。
此次頒獎典禮假香港大學黃麗松講堂舉行。典禮當天,近千名同學與家長出席並分享獲獎的喜悅和榮譽, 各校師生聚首一堂,藉此互相分享電子學習心得之餘,更投入各項活動,玩成一片,樂也融融。
在此次頒獎典禮上,我們頒發了Reading i-Learner、智愛中文平台、天才數學博士平台、Cross Curricular i-Learner、 DSE i-Learner及智愛文言文平台六個最受歡迎的電子學習平台的白金獎、金獎及銀獎。此外,還頒發「i-Learner全港網上 最佳學校」、「最優秀老師」兩項大獎。
我們還特別邀請了來自i-Learner教育中心的暑期英文外籍導師們:Miss Riona Kelly, Mr. Charles Britton, Miss Juliet Armstrong, Mr. Patryk Sikora, Miss Hatty Darling和Mr. Andrej Laloiv擔任頒獎典禮嘉賓, 他們均來自英國頂尖學府——牛津大學、劍橋大學。為了推動學生閱讀的風氣,此次頒獎典禮也包括了Hong Kong Reads 的活動。 典禮當天,來自牛津大學和劍橋大學的導師們與現場觀眾分享學習心得和製作閱讀報告的方法,導師們以創意的形式與同學們 分享閱讀心得,例如根據讀本內容來創作一首詩、比較書中的角色。我們期待著同學們能從嘉賓的分享中得到啟發, 將來以新穎的方式創作閱讀報告。
我們亦邀請了與i-Learner合作逾十年的慈善機構——香港沃土發展社的項目幹事蘇小姐, 為各位來賓分享香港沃土發展社 的「小黑板助學計劃」,希望為湖南湘西和貴州的貧困兒童提供援助。
典禮結束前的幸運大抽獎更掀起另一浪高潮,此次抽獎的獎品十分豐富——合作夥伴UA電影院贊助的電影換票證及商務印書局的 書劵。同學和家長都滿載而歸。
想進一步了解頒獎典禮當天的精彩盛況? 立即到https://goo.gl/GSq443細心欣賞。
由衷感謝各校長﹑老師﹑家長和學生多年來的鼎力支持,i-Learner將會不懈地提升內容和功能,加入更多豐富多元的學習模組 和嶄新的互動元素,讓學生可以更高效、更開心地學習。