On 15th July, 2018, the 28th i-Learner Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at Hong Kong Scout Centre. There were around 1,000 participants including prize winners and parents. It was an event to witness and reward the persistent learning efforts of the young students, as well as a celebration for parents and teachers to share the joy of their children who had fun and received honours. (Click https://bit.ly/2L8Vzn9 to see photos from the ceremony!)
Student users across our 6 most popular e-learning platforms—Reading i-Learner, Chinese i-Learner, Classical Chinese i-Learner, Mathematics i-Learner, Cross-Curricular i-Learner and DSE i-Learner—were presented Platinum Awards, Gold Awards, and Outstanding Student Awards, as well as Top School Awards and Excellent Teacher Awards.
At the ceremony, we were honoured to have Miss. Katherine Males, Mr. Samuel Rooney and Mr. Ethan Andrew Greist with us. They are i-Learner Education Centre's summer English tutors from Cambridge University and Oxford University. They shared their love for reading and their learning experiences with the audience.
Another highlight of the day was definitely the Lucky Draw. Thanks to our business sponsors, SPI School Bags, UA Cinemas and The Commercial Press for the attractive prizes.
i-Learner is committed to making e-learning an ever more interactive, effective and efficient channel of learning in response to the unfailing support of principals, teachers, parents and students.
See you at the 29th prize presentation ceremony in March 2019!
第二十八屆i-Learner 2017-18學年下學期頒獎禮於2018年7月15日完滿落幕。i-Learner不知不覺已邁入第十四個年頭,見證著電子學習由課外閱讀的延伸逐漸走入課堂。與學校和老師的密切溝通令i-Learner不斷進步,開發更多適合不同學校、老師和學生的平台。
此次頒獎典禮,我們頒發了Reading i-Learner、智愛中文平台、天才數學博士平台、Cross Curricular i-Learner、DSE i-Learner及智愛文言文平台六個最受歡迎的電子學習平台的白金獎、金獎及優秀學員獎。此外,還頒發了「i-Learner全港網上最佳學校」、「最優秀老師」兩項大獎。
我們還特別邀請了來自i-Learner教育中心的暑期英文外籍導師們:Miss. Katherine Males, Mr. Samuel Rooney 和Mr. Ethan Andrew Greist 擔任頒獎典禮嘉賓。他們均來自英國頂尖學府牛津或劍橋大學,並於當天與現場觀眾分享學習心得,得到在座來賓的熱烈讚賞。
典禮結束前的幸運大抽獎環節更掀起另一浪高潮,是次的抽獎囊括合作夥伴UA電影院贊助的電影換票證、 SPI的精美書包及商務印書局的書劵等,獎品十分豐富,令同學和家長都滿載而歸。
想了解更多頒獎典禮當天的精彩盛況? 立即點擊https://bit.ly/2L8Vzn9進入!